'After Viewing' - Post Task on 'Somers Town'
4. How would you categorise this film in terms of genre? Does it remind you of any other films you have seen?
I have to say, Somers Town was very unique. It was unlike almost everything I had seen before. However it did spark connections in my mind between this film and This Is England however this could be because Shane Meadows carries over his stylised icons into all of his films, or it could simply be the young actor Thomas Turgoose who also plays the lead role in the latter. The film in my opinion is quite similar to This Is England as we see a young boy in both films (both portrayed by Turgoose) both lonely and both finding their way in the world. They both get helped out by strangers who eventually become their friends and family. I think this is mainly what sparked off connections with the film. I'd probably put this film into a Coming-Of-Age Drama film, just because it is reasonably dramatic, fits their usual conventions. As it does with a coming-of-age film, a young boy who finds his way etc etc.
5. What do you think is the film's appeal for audiences?
The film features a group of characters all of which are lovable, I think most people could sympathise and relate to these characters. We have the lost boy, who is looking for help, the one who feels like he doesn't fit in etc. Most people could connect. Also the film is hilarious in places and everyone needs a laugh at times, I think if this film had taken a completely serious tone and gone for a more realistic approach it could've been very uncomfortable to watch for some people. The humour breaks this up and makes it almost suitable for everyone.
6. As well as being in black and white, the film is subtitled during the conversations in Polish between Marek and his father; there are also sections in French. In what ways do these factors affect your responses to the film, the situation and the characters?
I liked the fact that throughout the film the characters that were foreign and in the presents of those with a different dialect stuck to their native tongue. We've all seen the cliché of war films where all the Germans in the German trenches speak English! I think the main effect this has on the film is that it makes it feel much more realistic and of course i would say adds depth to the film. Also we have a scene in this film where the Polish family are learning English words together and it does indeed feel so realistic and adds a certain warmth to the film that you wouldn't have got if the Polish constantly spoke English. It makes the characters seem so much more authentic.
7. Shame Meadows' 2006 release, 'This is England', won a number of awards. Research and explore the film's critical reception and suggest what similarities and differences you can identify between 'Somers Town' and 'This is England'.
As I noted above in the 4th question on Somers Town I've seen This is
England, I thoroughly enjoyed it and have already pointed out some similarities. As for the film itself it was widely popular, it has won many various awards including 'Best Film' at the Independent Film Awards and Best British Film at the British Academy of Film Awards. The film was so successful Channel 4 and Film4 (who I think funded the film, not quite sure on that) have planned a 4 part television series following on from the end of the film. The film is absolutely fantastic in my opinion and really showcases Shane Meadows' talent.
Part 2 Coming Soon!
(Including notes from the lecture!!!!!!!!)
(Including notes from the lecture!!!!!!!!)
Great detail Kenny, I like the way you link the two films together and how you categorise the genre of Somers Town.