I'm excited, and so is our group, because she's a brilliant artist. She featured about a year ago on Orange Unsigned Act on Saturday and Sunday mornings and grabbed my attention, and since then I've had some correspondence with her and followed her every musical move imprinted on the internet.
So, when it came to choosing our music, we'd chosen some off of freeplaymusic.com (which I will post through the school network, as I cannot access my files at home) but we felt that it just felt a bit tacky doing so, none of the music sounds particularly like a real film score. We're just trying to make our opening feel as authentic as possible and when we've spoken to people about what they like in films it's good music. I've also noted this through one of the earliest uses of music in thriller films to create an atmosphere, when I wrote a case studio on Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 horror Psycho.
So we're keen on using her music as it'd add a depth to our film that I just don't think we'd get from other sources of music. Bo's voice is so beautifully haunting and the lyrics for one song of our consideration seemingly could be seen to represent our storyline;
Fighting Arizona - Lyrics
Here's to people slowly walking by
Here's to you you're back on the inside
Fighting Arizona all alone
With just one arm
You're on your own
No dance with the dragon
You chased him away
You wrote me a letter
Here's to all you say
This is the end you can't climb farther down
It's Arizona's final round
If you make it out alive
I promise I will be there soon
I'll tell the world that my friends coming home
If you be my lost my found
Reject your dark, reject your crown
I swear you'll never go back down
Never go back down
Back to this day
We'll find you again
The shame of your number
You are still my friend
So if you make it out alive
I promise i will be there soon
I'll tell the world that my friends coming home
And if you be my lost my found
Reject your dark, reject your crown
I swear you'll never go back down
Never go back down
But this is the last i'm here
The last I'm for
The last time you'll be on your own
So if you make it out alone
I promise i will be there soon
I'll tell the world that my friends coming home
And if you be my lost my found
Reject your dark, reject your crown
I swear you'll never go back down
Never go back down
A reasonable amount of this song could clearly represent the narrative of our story. For example the opening line will be shown while Emily Gates will be walking through the streets of Norwich late at night, these could even be slow motion shots to fit the pace of the music. The lines all seem to fit perfectly, that Joshua comes to see Emily after being missing for an entire year, due to being kidnapped by a cult 'never go back down' and 'I'll tell the world that my friend's coming home'. I also love the haunting piano and the sense of isolation the music and the lyrics are accessing. The video above shown is one of a live showing during 'Orange Unsigned Act', however this is not the version we would be using the studio version is much better suited to our needs which you can see that here under 'fightingarizonademo'.
There are of course some other songs from Bo that we could use due to the haunting sound of her music and her voice, such as Black Ice (Acoustic version would be much suited):
It has a brilliant sort of sorrow sound, which would be brilliant and again the lyrics could fit perfectly to the storyline. "Does my voice sound different?" and "I don't know why you're not here, I can't feel why, I won't cry" standing out as favorites to slotting into our scene and narrative perfectly.
However... all of this is just hoping, I'm currently waiting for a reply from Bo and hopefully we'll get a thumbs up, if not watch this space for alternatives, and if you wanna read anymore about Bo and watch her awesome cover of My Girl by Madness click here.